Thursday, 4 October 2018

I believe Christine Blasey-Ford.

Brett Kavanaugh is a liar.

Here's why:

Telling lies is easy. Anyone can do it. 

I used to beat my children with wire coat-hangers.

Or did I? Am I lying?

King James Bible. Luke 16:10:

He that is faithful in that which is least is faithful also in much: and he that is unjust in the least is unjust also in much.

On the subject of lies and lying, let's talk about Brett Kavanaugh.

Brett Kavanaugh is a liar. This is not an opinion, this is fact. He's a liar, he lies under oath, it's objectively true, Brett Kavanaugh is a liar. 

In his High School yearbook, he references 'the devil's triangle'. 

When questioned, he hesitated for a few seconds, before leaning forward and claiming that it was a 'drinking game'. 

It isn't. It's a very well known term describing a sexual encounter with 2 men and one woman. There is zero reference to 'the devil's triangle' as a drinking game before September 2018 when Wikipedia was updated to corroborate Kavanaugh's claim that 'the devil's triangle' was a drinking game.

When did the internet first learn of a drinking game called 'the devil's triangle'? 

Shortly after Kavanaugh's claim that it was 'just' a drinking game. In fact, the first known reference to 'the devil's triangle' as a drinking game was made when Wikipedia was updated to corroborate his claim. 

The edit was made anonymously from an IP address on Capitol Hill, as captured by congress-edits, a Twitter bot that tracks Wikipedia updates from congressional IP addresses. Seems legit.

Kavanaugh was asked about another entry in his High School yearbook, the entry read; 'Have you boofed yet?', when asked about the meaning of the term 'boofed' he replied that it referred to 'flatulence'. So he expects us to believe that he wrote 'Have you farted yet?' in his school yearbook.

Boofed does not mean farted. Boofing means to anally ingest alcohol and alternatively refers to anal sex. Kavanaugh lied about what it meant and it takes only a moment to enter the term into a search engine and look it up online to establish that he is lying about what the term means.

He also lied about drinking illegally. He claimed that the drinking age was 18 for most of his time in High School, but he was 17 on July 1st when it was lowered from 21 to 18 – still too young to drink legally.

Dr. Ford identified Mark Judge as in the room while Kavanaugh allegedly assaulted her and said that “P.J.”—a man named Patrick Smyth was also at the party.

He said under oath that he had 'never attended a gathering' with the boys that Dr. Ford named. He said that the alleged party must have happened at a weekend because they all had summer jobs at that time. This is demonstrably false. 

His closes friend and drinking buddy Mark Judge said in his memoirs 'Wasted' that they were frequently hungover at work – “Invariably I would be hungover — or still drunk — when I got to work at seven in the morning, and I spent most of the first hour just trying to hold myself together. ”

Kavanaugh even presented his calendar from 1982 as proof – except if you look at the entry for Thursday, July 01 1982, it's right there.

“to Timmy’s for skis w/Judge, Tom, PJ, Bernie, Squi.”

and Ford said this before she saw the calendar which confirms her account of the party where Kavanaugh, Judge & PJ drank beer together. July 01 1982.

Kavanaugh was questioned by Leahy. kavanaugh's high school buddy Mark Judge wrote in his 1997 memoir that a “Bart O’Kavanaugh” passed out drunk and vomited in a car. Was that character based on you?” he refused to answer, saying only 'You'd have to ask him'.

Except we don't. Because Bart wasn't a pseudonym, it was his actual nickname during high school. He even signed his name as 'Bart' during a letter that he sent to his friends at that time. 

Kavanaugh attempted to paint himself as a hard-working, church-going, sports-obsessed young Catholic virgin who occasionally had too many beers.

“The vast majority of the time I spent in high school was studying or focused on sports and being a good friend to the boys and the girls that I was friends with,” he told Fox News. But none of this fits in with what his friends recall about him from this time or even the words he wrote himself in his High School yearbook.

In 1985 he attended a UB40 concert with friends where he got into a brawl with another man after mistaking him for the lead singer.

Chad Ludington, who was there at the time and is named on the police report stated that the altercation happened after a UB40 concert on Sept. 25, when he and a group of people went to Demery’s and were drinking pints. At one point, they were sitting near a man who, they thought, resembled Ali Campbell, the lead singer of UB40.
Kavanaugh's friend at the time, Chad Ludington remembers:

“We’re trying to figure out if it’s him,” he said.

When the man noticed Mr. Ludington, Mr. Kavanaugh and the others looking at him, he objected and told them to stop it, adding an expletive, Mr. Ludington said.
Mr. Kavanaugh cursed, he said, and then “threw his beer at the guy.”

“The guy swung at Brett,” Mr. Ludington continued. At that point, Mr. Dudley “took his beer and smashed it into the head of the guy, who by now had Brett in an embrace. I then tried to pull Chris back, and a bunch of other guys tried to pull the other guy back. I don’t know what Brett was doing in the melee, but there was blood, there was glass, there was beer and there was some shouting, and the police showed up.”

Ali Campbell, the singer with UB40 was understandably surprised by this revelation, responding:

“I first found out that my name was being dragged into the biggest news story of the year when I woke up and my wife came in and said: ‘What’s all this about you and Brett Kavanaugh?’” he wrote. “I said: ‘I have absolutely no idea.’ Then people started ringing up asking for a comment on this supposed ruckus in a bar between him and someone who looked like me in 1985. My obvious comment is: ‘It wasn’t me!’”

“Renate Alumnus.” 

The name Renate appears at least 14 times in Georgetown Preparatory School’s 1983 yearbook, on individuals’ pages and in a group photo of nine football players - including Judge Kavanaugh, who were described as the “Renate Alumni.”

This was a crude and unsubstantiated boast of sexual conquest which Kavanaugh tried to play off as a clumsy attempt to show affection and that she was 'one of us'. 

Renate didn't appear to know about this 'affectionate' gesture, responding:

“I learned about these yearbook pages only a few days ago, I don’t know what ‘Renate Alumnus’ actually means. I can’t begin to comprehend what goes through the minds of 17-year-old boys who write such things, but the insinuation is horrible, hurtful and simply untrue. I pray their daughters are never treated this way. I will have no further comment.” 

It's hardly surprising that she was upset. One of the yearbook posts read:

“You need a date / and it’s getting late / so don’t hesitate / to call Renate.” 

This doesn't sound like 'clumsy affection' towards a girl that they respected. Kavanaugh went on to claim that he had been on a date with Renate and they had kissed at the end of the date but Renate refuted this allegation saying:
 'I think he must have me confused with someone else, because I never kissed him,” 

Also on his yearbook page, Kavanaugh listed himself as treasurer of the “100 Kegs or Bust” club. In the letter he sent to his school friends to organise Beach Week, he told them that:

“warn the neighbors that we’re loud, obnoxious drunks with prolific pukers among us. Advise them to go about 30 miles...” 

In the same letter to his friends, organising the rental of a condo for beach week together, he writes:

'I think we are unanimous that any girls we can beg to stay there are welcomed with open... 

Anyway I think we're all set. Remember that the eight of us are in charge – we get beds and we kick people out – no-one else'.

“Any girls we can beg to stay there are welcomed with...” I thought this Renate alumnus was a virgin for many years after high school? Did he want to play scrabble or monopoly with them perhaps?

Not only did Kavanaugh lie about being at an event like Ford described with the boys that she alleges were present, but he also lied under oath, on camera about the witnesses that she referenced.

“Dr. Ford’s allegations are not merely uncorroborated, it’s refuted by the very people she says were there.” 

This is an outright lie. They said that they didn't recall the event – none of them say it didn't or couldn't have happened, they said that they were unaware of it. 

“Ms. Keyser does not know Mr. Kavanaugh and she has no recollection of ever being at a party or gathering where he was present, with, without, Dr. Ford.” 

This is not a rebuttal of Dr. Ford's allegations, this is not Ms. Keyser 'refuting' those allegations and in fact, Ms. Keyser said openly that she believes Dr. Ford. Kavanaugh lied under oath and misrepresented information yet again – is that how a judge is supposed to behave? 

If I had been accused of such a serious crime as sexual assault I would be yelling at the top of my voice - DEMANDING an enquiry to clear my name. Interview everyone, give me a lie detector test, take my computer and look at the history, anything, just look at the facts and do all you can to get to the truth so that I can get my reputation back.

Dr. Ford wanted an FBI investigation, Kavanaugh did not. Dr. Ford took a lie detector test (and passed), Kavanaugh did not. Dr. Ford has not been found to be lying or contradicting herself even one time. Kavanaugh has lied, mislead and contradicted himself constantly.

Can he be trusted to represent people, men, and women fairly? To treat both with respect and unbiased honesty? Is he bipartisan? Is he honest? Truthful? Measured? Respectful and respectable?

Dr. Ford said that she had 'weighed up the risks and benefits' of coming forward. That she was terrified. She feared being annihilated How ridiculous. What kind of monster would mock or attack a woman who claimed she had been the victim of a sexual assault, right?

Trump mocks Dr. Christine Blasey Ford at rally

Did I mention that there has been such a hate campaign, complete with death threats for merely speaking out about the sexual assault she says happened to her or that Dr. Ford has been driven out of her home and into hiding?

Donate to Susan Collins opponent here:

Here are some delightful online comments and defamatory allegations from Kavanaugh's supporters:

This is what we are dealing with folks.

And did I really used to beat my children with wire coat-hangers?

Of course I didn't. 

But if I was accused of child abuse by even one person - wouldn't you want me to be investigated for it before you allowed me to babysit for your kids?

Or would you send them death threats for speaking out about what they say happened to them?

Help fund Susan Collins opponent

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